• Identity Card: Students must always carry their valid college identity card within the college premises or while representing the college externally. The ID card should be presented upon request by college staff. Loss of the card must be reported, and a duplicate obtained following proper procedures.
  • Punctuality and Attendance: Students are expected to be punctual and regular in their attendance.
  • Notice Board: Students should regularly check the college notice boards for important information. Ignorance due to failure to read notices will not be excused.
  • Respect and Conduct: Students must respect their peers, support staff, and teaching staff. They should complete tests and submit assignments on time. Movement between classrooms should be orderly and quiet.
  • Co-Curricular Activities: Active participation in co-curricular and extension activities is encouraged.
  • Library and Sports Facilities: Proper use of the library, reading hall, and sports grounds is expected.
  • Academic Integrity: Students must avoid lying, cheating, stealing, and using unauthorized materials in assignments or exams.
  • Substance Abuse: Intoxicants are strictly prohibited.
  • Ragging: Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offense.
  • Harassment: Any form of eve-teasing or harassment is prohibited. Such incidents should be reported to the Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment.
  • Violence and Indiscipline: Engaging in violence or indiscipline is not allowed.
  • Outsiders: Unauthorized outsiders are not permitted on campus. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who invite outsiders.
  • Weapons and Hazardous Materials: Students must not carry weapons, firearms, explosives, or any hazardous materials.
  • College Property: Students should not damage college property. Writing on walls or furniture is prohibited.
  • Cleanliness: Students must keep the campus clean and avoid littering.
  • Energy Conservation: Students should switch off fans, lights, and other electric appliances when not in use.
  • Plastic Use: Single-use plastics are banned on campus. Students should avoid bringing disposable plastic items and use alternatives like reusable bottles and cutlery.